Python MySQL – Query Data from a Table in Python

Summary: This tutorial shows you how to query data from a MySQL database in Python by using MySQL Connector/Python API such as fetchone() , fetchmany() , and fetchall() .

This tutorial picks up where the Connecting to a MySQL Database in Python left off.

To query data in a MySQL database from Python, you need to do the following steps:

  • First, connect to the MySQL Database, you get a MySQLConnection object.
  • Next, create a MySQLCursor object from the MySQLConnection object.
  • Then, use the cursor to execute a query by calling its  execute() method.
  • After that, use fetchone()fetchmany() or  fetchall() method to fetch data from the result set.
  • Finally, close the cursor as well as the database connection by calling the close() method of the corresponding objects.

We will show you how to use fetchone() , fetchmany() , and  fetchall() methods in more detail in the following sections.

Querying data with fetchone() method

The  fetchone() method returns the next row of a query result set or None in case there is no row left. Let’s take a look at the following code:

from mysql.connector import MySQLConnection, Error
from config import read_config

def query_with_fetchone(config):
    # Initialize variables for cursor and connection
    cursor = None
    conn = None

        # Establish a connection to the MySQL database using the provided configuration
        conn = MySQLConnection(**config)
        # Create a cursor to interact with the database
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        # Execute a SELECT query to retrieve all rows from the 'books' table
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM books")

        # Fetch the first row
        row = cursor.fetchone()

        # Loop through all rows and print them
        while row is not None:
            row = cursor.fetchone()

    except Error as e:
        # Print an error message if an error occurs during the execution of the query

        # Close the cursor and connection in the 'finally' block to ensure it happens
        if cursor:
        if conn:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Read the database configuration from the 'config' module
    config = read_config()
    # Call the function with the obtained configuration to execute the query
Code language: Python (python)

How it works:

  • First, connect to the database by creating a new  MySQLConnection object
  • Next, instantiate a new  MySQLCursor object from the  MySQLConnection object
  • Then, execute a query that selects all rows from the books table.
  • After that, fetch the next row in the result set  by calling the fetchone(). In the  while loop block, display the contents of the row, and move to the next row until all rows are fetched.
  • Finally, close both the cursor and connection objects by invoking the  close() method of the corresponding object.

Notice that we used the function read_config() from the module created in the connecting to MySQL database tutorial.

Querying data with fetchall() method

If the number of rows in the table is relatively small, you can use the  fetchall() method to fetch all rows from the table. For example:

from mysql.connector import MySQLConnection, Error
from config import read_config

def query_with_fetchall(config):
        # Establish a connection to the MySQL database using the provided configuration
        conn = MySQLConnection(**config)
        # Create a cursor to interact with the database
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        # Execute a SELECT query to retrieve all rows from the 'books' table
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM books")
        # Fetch all rows from the result set
        rows = cursor.fetchall()

        # Print the total number of rows returned by the query
        print('Total Row(s):', cursor.rowcount)
        # Loop through all rows and print them
        for row in rows:

    except Error as e:
        # Print an error message if an error occurs during the execution of the query

        # Close the cursor and connection in the 'finally' block to ensure it happens

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Read the database configuration from the 'config' module
    config = read_config()
    # Call the function with the obtained configuration to execute the query
Code language: Python (python)

The logic is similar to the example with the  fetchone() method except for the  fetchall() method call part.

Because we fetched all rows from the books table into the memory, we can get the total rows returned by using the  rowcount property of the cursor object.

Querying data with fetchmany() method

For a relatively large table, fetching all rows and returning the entire result set can be time-consuming. Furthermore, the fetchall() method requires allocating sufficient memory to store the complete result set in memory, posing efficiency concerns.

MySQL Connector/Python has the  fetchmany() method that returns the next number of rows (n) of the result set, which allows you to balance between retrieval time and memory space.

Here’s the program that uses the fetchmany() method to fetch all rows from the result set of the query:

from mysql.connector import MySQLConnection, Error
from config import read_config

def iter_row(cursor, size=10):
    # Infinite loop to fetch rows in chunks of 'size' from the result set
    while True:
        rows = cursor.fetchmany(size)
        # Break the loop if there are no more rows to fetch
        if not rows:

        # Yield each row in the fetched chunk
        for row in rows:
            yield row

def query_with_fetchmany(config):
    # Initialize variables for connection and cursor
    conn = None
    cursor = None

        # Establish a connection to the MySQL database using the provided configuration
        conn = MySQLConnection(**config)
        # Create a cursor to interact with the database
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        # Execute a SELECT query to retrieve all rows from the 'books' table
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM books")

        # Iterate over rows using the custom iterator function 'iter_row'
        for row in iter_row(cursor, 10):

    except Error as e:
        # Print an error message if an error occurs during the execution of the query

        # Close the cursor and connection in the 'finally' block to ensure it happens
        if cursor:
        if conn:

if __name__ =='__main__' :
    # Read the database configuration from the 'config' module
    config = read_config()
    # Call the function with the obtained configuration to execute the query
Code language: PHP (php)

First, define a generator that chunks the database calls into a series of  fetchmany() calls:

def iter_row(cursor, size=10):
    # Infinite loop to fetch rows in chunks of 'size' from the result set
    while True:
        rows = cursor.fetchmany(size)
        # Break the loop if there are no more rows to fetch
        if not rows:

        # Yield each row in the fetched chunk
        for row in rows:
            yield rowCode language: Python (python)

Second, use the  iter_row() generator to fetch 10 rows at a time :

def query_with_fetchmany(config):
    # Initialize variables for connection and cursor
    conn = None
    cursor = None

        # Establish a connection to the MySQL database using the provided configuration
        conn = MySQLConnection(**config)
        # Create a cursor to interact with the database
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        # Execute a SELECT query to retrieve all rows from the 'books' table
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM books")

        # Iterate over rows using the custom iterator function 'iter_row'
        for row in iter_row(cursor, 10):

    except Error as e:
        # Print an error message if an error occurs during the execution of the query

        # Close the cursor and connection in the 'finally' block to ensure it happens
        if cursor:
        if conn:
            conn.close()Code language: Python (python)

Third, call the query_with_fetchmany() function with the database configuration:

if __name__ =='__main__' :
    # Read the database configuration from the 'config' module
    config = read_config()
    # Call the function with the obtained configuration to execute the query
    query_with_fetchmany(config)Code language: PHP (php)


  • Use fetchone() method to retrieve a single row from a result set.
  • Use fetchmany() method to retrieve a specified number of rows from a result set.
  • Use fetchall() method to retrieve all rows from a result set.
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