…TABLE ‘,GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(@schema,’.’,table_name)),’;’) INTO @droplike FROM information_schema.tables WHERE @schema = database() AND table_name LIKE @pattern; — display the dynamic sql statement SELECT @droplike; — execute dynamic sql PREPARE stmt FROM @droplike;…


…statement: SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ‘<table_name>’\GCode language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) It’ll return the output like this: *************************** 1. row *************************** Name: <table_name> Engine: MyISAM Version: 10 Row_format: Dynamic


…to MySQL’, ‘MySQL is a popular relational database management system.’), (‘Advanced SQL Techniques’, ‘Learn advanced SQL techniques for optimizing queries.’), (‘Web Development with PHP’, ‘Building dynamic websites using PHP and…

MySQL Prefix Index

…InnoDB tables with REDUNDANT or COMPACT row format, the maximum prefix length is 767 bytes. However, for the InnoDB tables with DYNAMIC or COMPRESSED row format, the prefix length is…

MariaDB vs. MySQL

…MyRocks Aria SphinxSE TokuDB CONNECT SEQUENCE Spider Cassandra CHECK constraint No Yes DEFAULT expression No Yes. Also, support DEFAULT values for BLOB and TEXT columns Virtual columns Yes Yes Dynamic

MySQL Full-Text Search

…statement to perform full-text searches. Fully dynamic index: Updates the index of the text column automatically whenever the data of that column changes. Moderate index size: The size of a FULLTEXT index…

MySQL Triggers Implementation

…CREATE , DROP ,  RENAME. Use prepared statements such as PREPAREand EXECUTE. Use dynamic SQL statements. From MySQL version 5.1.4, a trigger can call a stored procedure or stored function, which…

MySQL MyISAM Storage Engine

…the specified database (dbName) where the engine type is MyISAM Second, update each table to InnoDB using dynamic SQL. For example, to convert all MyISAM tables in the HR database…

MySQL Full-Text Index Performance

…(Structured Query Language) (sql) Output: *************************** 1. row *************************** Name: posts Engine: InnoDB Version: 10 Row_format: Dynamic Rows: 10 Avg_row_length: 1638 Data_length: 16384 Max_data_length: Index_length: 16384 Data_free: Auto_increment: 11 Create_time:…