Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MySQL FIRST_VALUE() function to get the first row of a frame, partition, or result set.

Introduction to MySQL FIRST_VALUE() function

The FIRST_VALUE() is a window function that allows you to select the first row of a window frame, partition, or result set.

The following illustrates the syntax of the FIRST_VALUE() function:

FIRST_VALUE (expression) OVER (
)Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

In this syntax:


The FIRST_VALUE() function returns the value of the expression from the first row of the window frame.

The OVER clause consists of three clauses: partition_clause, order_clause, and frame_clause.


The partition_clause clause divides the rows of the result sets into partitions to which the function applies independently. The partition_clause has the following syntax:

PARTITION BY expr1, expr2, ...Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


The order_clause clause specifies the logical order of rows in each partition on which the FIRST_VALUE() function operates. The following shows the syntax of the order_clause:

ORDER BY expr1 [ASC|DESC], expr2 [ASC|DESC], ...Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


The frame_clause defines the subset (or frame) of the current partition. For detailed information on the frame clause syntax, check out the window functions tutorial.

MySQL FIRST_VALUE() function examples

The following statements create a new table named overtime and insert sample data for the demonstration:

CREATE TABLE overtime (
    employee_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    department VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    hours INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (employee_name , department)
INSERT INTO overtime(employee_name, department, hours)
VALUES('Diane Murphy','Accounting',37),
('Mary Patterson','Accounting',74),
('Jeff Firrelli','Accounting',40),
('William Patterson','Finance',58),
('Gerard Bondur','Finance',47),
('Anthony Bow','Finance',66),
('Leslie Jennings','IT',90),
('Leslie Thompson','IT',88),
('Julie Firrelli','Sales',81),
('Steve Patterson','Sales',29),
('Foon Yue Tseng','Sales',65),
('George Vanauf','Marketing',89),
('Loui Bondur','Marketing',49),
('Gerard Hernandez','Marketing',66),
('Pamela Castillo','SCM',96),
('Larry Bott','SCM',100),
('Barry Jones','SCM',65);
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

1) Using MySQL FIRST_VALUE() function over the whole query result set example

The following statement gets the employee’s name, overtime, and the employee who has the least overtime:

    FIRST_VALUE(employee_name) OVER (
        ORDER BY hours
    ) least_over_time
    overtime;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

Here is the output:

MySQL FIRST_VALUE Function Example

In this example, the ORDER BY clause ordered the rows in the result set by hours and the FIRST_VALUE() picked the first row indicating the employee who had the least overtime.

2) Using MySQL FIRST_VALUE() function with partitions example

The following statement finds the employee who has the least overtime in every department:

    FIRST_VALUE(employee_name) OVER (
        PARTITION BY department
        ORDER BY hours
    ) least_over_time
    overtime;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The output is:

In this example:

  • First, the PARTITION BY clause divides the employees into partitions by departments. In other words, each partition consists of employees who belong to the same department.
  • Second, the ORDER BY clause specifies the order of rows in each partition.
  • Third, the FIRST_VALUE() operates on each partition sorted by the hours. It returns the first row in each partition which is the employee who has the least overtime within the department.


  • Use the MySQL FIRST_VALUE() function to get the first row of a window frame.
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